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Why Now Is The Best Time For Chimney Repairs

Did you know that the spring and summer months are actually the best time to schedule your chimney and fireplace repairs? So many house chores and responsibilities come up in the spring, so it’s understandable that some things get pushed to the back burner. But your chimney and fireplace would benefit from attention right after the colder months.

Level Two Chimney Inspections in Orangeburg SCUnsure if you need chimney repairs?

It’s likely time to schedule a cleaning and inspection to make sure you investigate any issues early. If you’re a current customer who knows you’re in need of masonry repair, don’t risk putting it off. Call Advanced Chimney today to schedule your annual inspection and any chimney repairs today.

Why Consider Spring Chimney Repairs

Spring comes with a lot of home responsibilities, and chimney inspection and repairs should be on that list, too. If you’re still on the fence about spring repairs, we’ve compiled a few reasons to consider acting now.

Read on to learn about several benefits that come along with thinking about chimney repair early.

Fix New Issues ASAP

With wear and tear, issues may arise. Your chimney and fireplace are not immune to this. It’s possible that damage occurred throughout the last burn season. If you address these issues in the spring — right after the colder months — the damage may be less severe and cost less than if you waited on it.

Be Ready For an Early Fall/Winter

Mother Nature isn’t always predictable. Make sure that your fireplace is inspected, cleaned, and repaired (if needed) prior to chilly nights. You never know how early this may happen, so it’s best to schedule services early in the spring or summer to ensure you’re ready.

Open Availability for Scheduling

Many homeowners wait until the fall/early winter to schedule appointments, so you’ll benefit from going against the curve and scheduling your chimney inspection and repair service early. Less demand means more open availability to schedule your repairs, so call today to get prime availability.

Fewer Cancellations and Better Weather

Winter comes with some treacherous weather conditions at times. Snow, sleet, and icy conditions may lead to cancelled appointments. You can completely avoid this possibility by scheduling early and in the spring or summer months.

Call Advanced Chimney Sweep today

Make sure to schedule your annual cleaning and inspection early to kickstart any necessary masonry repairs.

Chimney tuckpointing and repairs in Aiken SC

Our expert team can develop a customized plan to tackle any and all fireplace maintenance and repair services.

Advanced Chimney Sweep is a local family-owned business operated by chimney professionals for over 15 years. Our certified team tackles all areas of chimney/fireplace inspections, cleaning, repairs, and fire prevention. We are committed to maintaining our reputation as a premium chimney sweep company so we offer our team continuous education and training to ensure this. It’s our guarantee to provide our clients with the most professional service available to protect their homes and families in the area.

Contact Advanced Chimney Sweep at (706) 833-4630 (GA) or (803) 508-3990 (SC) or send us a message via our contact form.